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羽锡真的是GAY 吗?




Chinese lgb 是什么意思?

lgb小写, 特指: leian gay bisexual,即女同、男同、双姓人的缩写。

LGB大写, 特指low-grade booty, 表示人或行为活动档次不高。

gay right

gay rights……



gay rights——同性恋者的合法权利

Never really achieved,just an impossible joke

玷污你的光辉形象?如果你觉得那么不齿 大可以不写



我们不知道真的长闭眼睛之后 真的还有继续吗?

it is absolutely right。






Gei, and the stress down like the forth in Chinese.



how to make friend with gay white male in china

what's gay white male mean?

You must lern chinese first

Then,you can go to "gay" bar to find your boy friend.

And I think I need to tell you

Most Chinese can not speak Englsh well

such as me!

You could make friend with me

My QQ is 564985220

I'm a boy

u gay? there are gays in bars ran by westerners.


I am very pleased to be able to stand here for everyone to make a speech. This time I would like to introduce a book is a man, who's name is Su, is a character I most admired. Book called The gay genius, where gay is not gay, but rather is intended to be happy, and his Chinese name is Su Chuan. It was Mr. Lin Yutang in 1936 in the United States written in English, which is the reason I admire Mr. Lin Yutang, Chinese talented he can write articles, you can also edit the English Dictionary. So this book, Mr. Ji Xianlin evaluation is genius genius admirers, the master of the masters of admiration. Su Biography wrote Su Shi's life, from birth to death. Su was born in Sichuan Meishan in 1036, died in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1101. Su's life with his own poem to summarize that Yu asked his life exploits, Huizhou, Huang Zhou Zhan state This meant that he was demoted several times, went to Huang Zhou, Huizhou, Zhan state. He was applauded and five unique, poetry, calligraphy, painting, literature, the word bloomer, talent is compelling, but was framed villain. The first was demoted to yellow-states, this is the famous Wutai poem. However, Su was banished to Huang Zhou also lucky. Where he matured, wrote the most glorious three life works, after Red Cliff and Nian Chi Bi. He has studied a lot of things to eat, engineering, alchemy, etc., the famous Pork is his creation, he was demoted, he built a lot of people project. So he is not only a poet, a poet, but also a writer, calligrapher, gourmet and more. Su life wander, often demoted, but he has maintained a childlike mind, is an incurable optimist. As the title of this book is a happy genius. Finally, let me use the Chinese version of the book to end this speech right word. Reading Su's life, we he been observing a great idea and spiritual life footsteps, and he only occasionally formed on the earth, leing a short mark. Su dead, his name is just a memory, but he was We left the joy and happiness of his soul mind, these are eternal and immortal treasures. Thank you for listening.

希望可以帮助你 谢谢 采纳

Very happy I can stand here to make a speech for everyone. I want to introduce to you is a person and a book, the name is Su Dongpo, is a person I admire most. The book is called "The gay genius",It is Mr. Lin Yutang in 1936 in USA with English write, which is why I admire Mr. Lin Yutang, he can write full of wit of the Chinese article, also can make "the English Chinese dictionary". So the evaluation of the book Mr Ji Xianlin is "the genius of geniuses admiration, master of master respect.

"Su Dongpo biography" wrote Su Shi's life, from birth to death. Su Dongpo was born on 1036 in Meishan, Sichuan, died in Jiangsu on 1101 in Changzhou. The life of Su Dongpo with one of his poem is summarized "ask your lifeachievements, Huangzhou Huizhou Zhan," the meaning of this sentence is many times he was banished to Huangzhou, Huizhou, Zhan,. He was praised with the five, "poem, book, painting, writing, words," early success, talent is pressing, but was framed. The first was banished to Huangzhou, this is the famous "Wutai poem case". However, Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou is lucky. There he is mature, wrote three works the most brilliant life, before and after the "Chibi Fu"and "nostalgia" by Chibi. He has to study a lot of things, eating, engineering,alchemy and so on, the famous "Dongpo's braised pork" is created by him, when he was banished, he built a lot of people project. So he is not only a writer, poet,calligrapher, is also a writer, gourmet etc.. Su Dongpo life drifting everywhere,often relegated, but he always keep a childlike heart, is a past hope optimist.Such as the title of this book is a happy genius.

Finally, let me end this speech with Chinese version of the book in one sentence."Reading the life of Su Dongpo, we he been observing a great idea andspiritual life, and he was in the world by forming, a fleeting imprint. Su Dongpo is dead, his name is just a memory, but he left us his soul delight and mentalpleasure, these are the eternal immortal treasures "thank you all for listening



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