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detail是什么意思 common什么意思中文


detail是什么意思 common什么意思中文detail是什么意思 common什么意思中文

1、detail的汉语意思英 [di:tel]美 [dtel]第三人称单数:details第三人称复数:details现在分词:detailing过去分词:detailed过去式:detailed基本解释名词 详述; (照片、绘画等的)细部; 细目,琐碎; 各种细节及物动词 详述,仔细汇报; 选派; 清晰地说明; 给于细部装饰例句1. She began to tell me the plot in great detail.她开始告诉我该阴谋的详情。

2、2. He can probably tell us all the details we want.他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。

3、3. There is too much detail in his speech.他的讲话太琐碎了。

4、detail的单语例句1. China has also published a defense white paper every year since 1998 to detail its military budget and actual uses.2. Supermarket cashier ladies chit chat with customers in great detail about what's cooking for dinner.3. Each frame in Cinerama is 50 percent taller than a regular frame, providing more detail.4. The meeting also underlined the need to improve the civility of the local residents, and discussed in detail the work on test events next year.5. She would not discuss the contents in detail but made clear that the United States would not change its tack on Iran.6. It follows and precedes many other sexual encounters, sometimes arranged on the Internet and often recounted in near clinical detail.7. But Cloudy doesn't come close to Up's level of subtle emotional detail and incisiveness.8. The agency says the handbook should detail the coalmine worker's rights and obligations, typical colliery disasters and corresponding measures when they occur.9. State leaders being welcomed by com - patriots at the airport of the country the dignitaries visit is one minor detail in etiquette.10. It is this attention to detail that is so astonishing, from the adjustable brightness of the reading lights to the quality finishing in the bathroom.detail的词典解释1. 细节The details of something are its individual features or elements.e.g. The details of the plan are still being worked out...计划的细节仍在制订中。

5、e.g. No details of the discussions have been given...没有透露讨论的细节。

6、2. 详情;信息;资料Details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them.e.g. See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer.有关如何申请这一令人兴奋的工作的详情请参见本页底部。

7、e.g. Full details will be announced soon.具体信息很快就会公布。

8、3. 枝节;末节;琐事A detail is a minor point or aspect of something, as opposed to the central ones.e.g. Only minor details now remain to be settled.现在仅剩一些细枝末节的问题需要解决。

9、4. (难以觉察的)细微之处You can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail .e.g. We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm.我们喜欢他的细心和热情。

10、5. (画等的)细部A detail of a picture is a part of it that is printed separately and perhaps made bigger, so that smaller features can be clearly seen.6. 详述;详细列举(或说明)If you detail things, you list them or give information about them.e.g. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。

11、7. 派遣;指示If someone is detailed to do a task or job, they are officially ordered to do it.e.g. He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room.他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。


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