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大连星海广场导游词 大连星海广场导游词讲解800字




大连星海广场导游词 大连星海广场导游词讲解800字大连星海广场导游词 大连星海广场导游词讲解800字

大连有个很浪漫的网红街道,天涯街 ,海角巷还有夕阳下的跨海大桥,欧式建筑,和满满春天气息的植物园呀。

东方威尼斯,Most primary schools living a lord in the school dormitory.Their study is very assiduous.They morning 5:00's get up had been learn till 11:00 P.M..They like volunteer a teacher to arrive them there."You are distinct with their nothing important." Yang2 Lei2 say. "They say that we look to the misunderstanding elder sister of their eldest brothers the elder sister be similar., And they feel very lucky老虎滩海洋公园,棒棰岛,路边海鲜摊,圣亚海洋世界,星海广场等



A poor knoll village sed in the sweet Su teaches a high school student to sound sible nothing important fun to you.Howr, he changed the life from Yang2 Lei3 in Peking.The University of Peking is in an a year to plan medium volunteer to go there first.This activity is start by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese young vanguard brigade.They send 100 village regions that the volunteers get to China to allow to teach annually

The life in the mountain is a new career to Yang2 Lei3.It of the village elevation be 2000 meters and the inception thin and diluted air makes him feel very suffered.The food is very ,- It three times is alSome students may not go to a senior high school perhaps university.The family is poor and usually also he no money to study. "My feel incapable to this is a dint."Yang2 Lei2 say, "but I can let the spacious range of experience of my student, and give their live a good point of departure." He says that he likes to the good influence of from cradle to the gre lee of the childrenl gruels for teacher's a day. luckily, Yang2 Lei3's mother supports him. he says him with it of the huand think this to be a kind of good viewpoint."today's young man contain the different affair of the necessity career." he say.

The tear stain likes his conduct and actions to think the day of volunteer.After the support life for a ye这个地方很好看,所以才被称之为北方明珠。ar end, he say at complete it of research after, he will return to that region.He is a sweet Su now n beam graphite a mathematics teacher of the senior high school

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