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4、 医院的英语说法1:hospital 医院的英语说法2:nosodochium 医院的相关 短语 :去医院 Go to the Doctor ; go to the hospital ; Going to hospital ; went to the hospital 儿童 医院 children's hospital ; Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario ;医院 文化 Enterprise Culture ; Hospital Culture ; culture ; Hospital医院简介 Home page ; About us ; Hospital Profile ; Introduction宠物医院 pet clinic ; pet hospital医院代表 Professional Sales Representative ; PSR ; hospital representative陆军医院 military hospital ; army hospital ; shensi army hospital 医院的英语例句:1. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.你可以随时来医院。

5、2. They were taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.他们因吸入大量烟尘被送往医院。

6、3. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。

7、4. She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature.她因发高烧被送进医院。

8、5. She was taken to hospital, apparently amnesiac and shocked.她被送往医院,好像是受了惊吓出现了失忆。

9、6. The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.医生们列举了大量病人被逐出医院的实例。

10、7. The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。

11、8. The hospital has pioneered the use of birthing pools.这家医院率先使用了分娩池。

12、9. She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital.她参加了当地医院的癌症互助组。

13、10. He is still fighting for his life in hospital.他仍在医院与死神搏斗。

14、11. Today the best tests are performed in the hospital .see chap. 17..现在,本医院可提供最好的化验(见第17章)。


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