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综合英语三课后答案 综合英语3unit3课后答案


综合英语三课后答案 综合英语3unit3课后答案综合英语三课后答案 综合英语3unit3课后答案

1、第二单元They couldn’t afford expensive presents, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were ,1226440515 left by Santa Claus.他们买不起昂贵的礼物,也 ,1226440515 想让我们觉得我们比不上别的孩子在圣诞节早上,他们从圣诞树下找到各种各样的新奇玩具,据说是圣诞老人留下的。

2、I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. The cold never bothered him.我当时裹着一床毯子,在轮到我的时候,我要把毯子分给爸爸一些,但爸爸说不用,他从不怕冷。

3、Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness.他喜欢强调一点:那些闪亮的星星是对像我们这样住在荒野里的人的特别款待。

4、The longer you looked and the more your eyes adjusted to the dark, the more stars you’d see, layer after layer of them gradually becoming visible.看的时间越久你的眼睛就越适应黑暗,你就可以看到更多的星星。


6、Venus didn’t he any moons or satellites or even a magnetic field, but it did he an atmosphere sort of similar to earth’s, except it was super-hot — about five hundred degrees or more.金星没有像月亮那样的卫星或其他卫星,甚至没有磁场,但它有着与地球相似的空气,只是它的空气超热,大约有五百度甚至更高。


8、(nothing but; what-clause)When I was a child, the village I lived in was surrounded by nothing but open fields. But now nothing remains of the village. A modern city is built on what used to be there.我的童年是在乡下度过的,那时的天很蓝,晚上仰望夜空,能看到无数的星星。

9、(look up to)My childhood was spent in the countryside. At that time the skies were clear. Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.他上小学时,家境贫寒,总担心同学们会看不起他。


11、(look down on )His family was poor when he was an elementary school student, and he often worried that his clasates would look down on him. In fact his worry was unnecessary, for all his clasates were friendly to him.每个人在成长的过程中都要经历很多事,大部分被遗忘了,但有些永远印在我们的脑海里。

12、 (while)Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.童年是一个五彩斑斓的盒子,里面装着许多美丽的梦想和有趣的回忆。

13、(in which) Childhood is a colourful box, in which are beautiful dreams and interesting memories.第四单元 当被问到哪种现代科技对人们的生活影响时,很多人会说是互联网。

14、(when + past participle)When asked which modern science and technology has influenced people’s life most, most people will choose the Internet.办公环境直接影响工作效率,因此为员工创造舒适的工作环境十分重要。

15、(vital)The office environment has a direct impact on work efficiency. Therefore it is vital to create a comfortable working environment for employees.现在的年轻人发明了很多网络用语,有时我都听不懂他们在说什么。

16、(he trouble doing something)The young people today he invented quite a few “Net language”. Sometimes I he difficulty / trouble understanding what they are saying.现代科技日新月异,很难估计明天会有什么样的新技术出现。


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