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3、Bull shit may get you up there but can't keep you there.Currently lives in Shanghai, is the result of perfection, hard efforts etc idiosyncratic. Four years in the army sergeant 2.1st, is very important to me. I continued in military exercise their management, training can withstand the pressure of strong body and mind, and in the past army sergeant who taught school first.it believes come with me, rather than you do "management guidance. Self-example and precipitation, establish the future direction of life. Retired after work and the charge that education is an important decision, finally, although technical college graduated from XX in electrical engineering, my work and study of growth is very precious.Have 10 years of LCD related professional knowledge, skills, and applied to analysis and field work, from the end of 2003, nearly six years in Shanghai during the time, responsible for technology transfer, technical service had, equipment procurement, quality control, departments, factory director.There's main service to customers, friends, SONY Ericsson, sharp, lg, Toshiba,,, YouPa RenBao, etc. In charge of the factory, I work hard to reduce during the relevant costs, customer service, product man-hour dhi, also improve customer satisfaction, can repair rate. Authorities in the process, and adjust the personnel working function, the greatest degree of staff efficiency. Assist in the business of the engineering interpretation factory communication, people, materials, equipment through the integration of the ascending yield to satisfy the customer. 10 years working for quality objectives, I request execution, the production data collection, classification, problems and planning new method, the revision work flow and abnormal production is very familiar to improve analysis, etc. Of the daily management, personnel training, education, work early to stride, can make more accurate judgement and response. Professional ability and let me in the fields related to establish basic connections.Can I use the Office software skilled, and Windows and Office of computer hardware assembling maintenance also very professional. Much learning a language ability, can make oneself view more open. I have moderate English ability, the common language of life is not a problem for me at all, and to learn Japanese planning, know more about science and technology knowledge related market information.I consciously in the workplace is still a big development space, thus planned step by step toward the target. On the other hand, in order to enhance personal connotation, and keep his positive attitude, William Arthur Ward, including a paragraph, more became my inspirational Ming: ".someotherwordpeopledontthinkoffirst. Imagine it, it can achieve your dream, it differently. "as long as it is in the heart leaps upward, success is in their hands.简历。


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