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一分钟英文版导游欢迎词 英文导游欢迎词带翻译一分钟英文版导游欢迎词 英文导游欢迎词带翻译


杭州英文导游词欢迎词1 emple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channel’s ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of eavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years.

Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called Siadading in ancient time and now it is called big roof. On the two ends of the plane ridge, there are inward Chiweis. Chi denoted sparrow hawk in ancient time, which is a kind of fierce bird. The stand base of the gate is comparatively low, but the hall pinnacle is much higher above eaves and the pottery animal figures look sturdy; solemn and sturdy. There is no ceiling inside the pinnacle, therefor the painted beam and purlieus are visible. The whole piece is exquisitely wrought, simple arranged and skillfully done, for which people gasp in administration.Crossing the gate, one comes to the core building - Avalokitesvara Pavilion, 23 m in height. Form outside appearance, it is two storeyed, but inside there is a hidden storey, thus three storeyed in fact. On the eaves corners, pottery unicorns are sculptured, on which little Buddha statues ride. Copper bells are hung under eaves corners, swaying with the wind, a specially refined scene. The most attractive thing is the structure of Dougong (sets of brackets on top of the columns supporting the beams within and roof eaves without――each set consisting of tiers of outstretching arms called Gong, cushioned with trapezoidal blocks called Dou). It is made of overlapping Dougong shaped wood blocks and bow shaped horizontal wood bars by adopting 24 forms with each layer stretching out as bracket, big in upper part and small in lower part, thinly scattered, steady and sturdy. It makes eaves of the pavilion look like flying, far and deep in the sky, a beautiful and magnificent view.

Entering the Avalokitesvara Pavilion, the very sight is a huge standing Avalokitesvara Statue. If one stands by it, his height is only up to her ankle. The Statue, 16.27 m in height, is the biggest clay sculpture of Avalokitesvara in China. Two statues of attendant Bodhisattvas under the knee of Avalokitesvara are also 3 m in height. On the crown of the head of Avalokitesvara, there are 10 small Avalokitesvare’s heads, hence it is called 11 faces Avalokitesvara. Reviewing around the inner part of the pavilion, one can discover that pillars of high and low storeys are not directly linked through, but the pillars of the upper storey are ed into the arch head of that of lower storey. The upper storey of the pavilion is in a form of six corners empty well, while the lower storey is in a form of square empty well. This kind of structure is not only beautiful and strong, but also adds the space of the upper part of Budha statues. On the four walls inside the pavilion, colorful murals are painted, the theme of which is the images of 16 Arhats and 2 Ming Dynasty Emperors, which are the earliest subjects of Buddhism. On he murals, 2 m high Arhats with 3 heads and 4 arms are extremely lifelike and Ming Emperors on the four walls are full of power and grandeur. On the upper part of the murals, there are mountains, forest, cloud and river, while on the lower part, there are paintings of secular themes with vivid and natural lines, which embody the superb the skill and arts of painting of ancient Buddhism in China.

杭州英文导游词欢迎词2 From now on, the car you are our friends, welcome everyone to come here, let me introduce for everybody! Hangzhou is a beautiful city, is one of the seven ancient capitals in China, is the capital of Zhejiang Province, has long been known as "folk an earthly paradise". Hangzhou has a long history, since Qin Dynasty since the establishment of Qian Tang County, has been more than 2200 years of history. Hangzhou is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. As early as 4700 years ago, there were human beings living here, and produced the Liangzhu culture known as the dawn of civilization. Hangzhou was the five generation of Wu Yue in the Southern Song Dynasty and the two generation of capital, is one of the seven ancient capitals in china.

Hangzhou ancient Tang said. Sui kaihuang nine years (589 years) waste money Tang County, Hangzhou, Hangzhou for the first time in history. The Southern Song Dynasty three years (1129), the south to Hangzhou, or Hangzhou Prefecture of Ling'an. Shaoxing eight years (1138) the official capital of Ling'an, which lasted more than 140 years. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the former Qian Tang and Renhe county were collocated with hang county. In the sixteen years of the Republic of China (1927), the city of Hangzhou county was set up in Hangzhou, and the city of Hangzhou was built. The liberation of Hangzhou in May 3, 1949 has opened a new chapter in the development of Hangzhou. Hangzhou city has jurisdiction over the city, lower city, Jianggan, Gongshu, West Lake, high tech (Binjiang), Xiaoshan, Yuhang 8 districts, Jiande, Fuyang, Ling'an 3 county-level cities, Tonglu, Chunan 2 counties. The total area of the city is 16596 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 3068 square kilometers. The total population of Hangzhou is about 6 million 600 thousand, and it is also one of the cities with relatively large population density in China. Besides, there are thousands of tourists who come here every day.

As Hangzhou has a long history, rich cultural and material heritage. Hangzhou is the origin of the name of the first, once here won by King Yu combating the flood of Hangzhou landing, Hangzhou is the ark, the ship, later took Hangzhou called Yu Hang, do not know when, why, people put Yu Hangzhou called Yuhang, so far in Hangzhou still has the name Yuhang, a the biggest "Yang Naiwu of the Qing Dynasty and unjust case of Chinese cabbage" story took place in Yuhang. The famous poet Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi, who has worked in Hangzhou, wrote a large number of well-known West Lake chant landscape works, has been transmitted. Hangzhou can develop so prosperous, the biggest hero is Wu Yue's founder, his Baojing - Qianwang, Anmin policy, the Chinese land has a respite in the war in the land. During the period of Wu Yue, the most prominent achievement was the art of sculpture in Hangzhou cultural construction, and the statue of flying peak was one of the masterpieces. The Northern Song Dynasty time, Hangzhou has become the first state to the southeast, the Southern Song Dynasty is needless to say, the central government in the capital, Hangzhou has become the largest city in the world, the world's first metropolis. The Song Dynasty, the artists gathered in Hangzhou, greatly promoted the prosperity here. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Italian Marco Polo issued a heartfelt sigh, saying that Hangzhou is "the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world", which is undoubtedly the highest praise for the city.

During the two dynasties as the most prosperous city of Hangzhou Jiangnan, not only celebrities come forth in large numbers, and the economy of extraordinary prosperity, as the largest city in Hangjiahu Plain, because of the convenient traffic, trade is also very convenient, one of the most representative figure is Hu Xueyan hongdingshangren. Hangzhou can be summed up in four words, sixteen words: paradise on earth, silk palace, tea capital, gourmet city. It can be said Hangzhou is not an earthly paradise with the false, the ancients said, there is heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou. Compare Hangzhou as an earthly paradise of ancient men of literature and writing, also left a lot of this chapter for having heard it many times in paradise city.

杭州英文导游词欢迎词3 Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing.

It was first built in1417and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession).

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war.

When it was rebuilt under the Qing in1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers.

The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate.

The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep.

According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place.

The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court.

The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion).

Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict.

The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord.

The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage.

It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr.

Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave.

The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land.

It was opened to the public as a park in1914and its name was changed in1928to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

杭州英文导游词欢迎词4 Welcome everyone to come here, let me introduce for everybody! Hangzhou has a long history, as early as four years ago, in the Neolithic Age in Hangzhou area, our ancestors have multiplied, and has called the "dawn of civilization" Liangzhu culture. Hangzhou is one of the seven ancient capitals of China (Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Anyang and Hangzhou), and is also one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Before the Xia Dynasty, according to legend, Dayu to Kuaiji (now Shaoxing county) to the princes of the general assembly, in the "homes hang (Hangzhou) landing", because "Yu Hang", after the "Yuhang myth". During the spring and Autumn period, the two countries contend for hegemony, Hangzhou first belonged to Wu, and after the destruction of Wu, Wu Yue belonged to vietnam. In the Warring States period, Hangzhou was placed in the territory of Chu state after the Chu Dynasty was destroyed. Qinwang Zheng twenty-five years (222 BC), Qin Miechu, today the Tangxian County Hangzhou regional money, also belong to the home Yuhang County, Kuaiji county.

Hangzhou since the Qin Dynasty set up county, has 2200 years of history. Sui kaihuang nine years (589 years) waste money Tang County, Hangzhou, Hangzhou for the first time in history. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Wude four years (AD 621 years), Yuhang County of Hangzhou, in order to avoid the taboo, instead of money for the Qian Tang County of Tangxian County. Hangzhou was the five generation of Wu Yue in the Southern Song Dynasty and the two generation of capital. The period of the Five Dynasties, Wu Yue in the Southeast (refers to the feudal dynasty had had lost the Central Plains and Gou only part of the territory), the capital of Hangzhou. At the time of Hangzhou said the West or west, state governance in Qian Tang. Gaozong Jianyan three years (AD 1129), in order to avoid the emperor from Yangzhou south to Hangzhou Jinbing, to the state government for the palace, Hangzhou Ling'an Prefecture, also known as the "line in the". Shaoxing eight years (1138), the official capital of Ling'an, which lasted more than 140 years.



Situated in henan province north of XiuWuXian yuntai mountain peaks is 12 km ZhuYu peak, altitude 1304 meters, because, as a big pot isolated mountain peaks, covering the above, in ancient called "and because it overburden busan" high mountain, dense woods, mountain often cloud curl up, so it is called "yuntai mountain". From geography's point of view, in yuntai mountain terrain belongs to the south part of the taihang mountain land, so it is also called "mountain in shansi yuntai mountain".

Since yuntai mountain is famous, now has built up north, but also a scenic yuntai mountain national forest park and national geological parks. Now the main scenic spots have: open WenPan valley, ZhuYu peak, old tam ditch, small village ditch, etc.


Well, friends, we are now in the WenPan valley scenic area, it is because crustal movement left over from the fracture of the fracture structure traces, seem to be very narrow line canyon, which is "the sight". We want to visit along anti-seeping plank road, so everyone in the appreciation of scenery, while also pay attention to safety.

Into the valley, you are feeling inside to warmer than the outside? You see, two test escarpment, surrounded by mountains, thus make valley surrounded not easily, and internal and external air circulation caused valley inside unique climate characteristic, is warm in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature is about 10 ℃, so called "WenPan valley".

WenPan valley 1 km wide stretches nearly 3-10 meters, valley stream clear brook within, there are some strange stone, on both sides of a long wall, a compound GuaGua bead shade type springs global-positioning pour, forming the waterfall, plus the cliffs waterfalls landscape lichen, wild chrysanthemum and other floral ornament, appear vitality and pleasing to eye, so are known as "miniascape canyon".

Good, tourists, we continue to west lake line, after the ovary and fill with water bridge, what you saw a written entrance, "old tam ditch" three big word. Legend for save a tianhe dragon king folk drought bitter, ignoring the jade emperor will, under heavy rainfall, secretly exiled, perched on earth in a deep pool here called "longtan", this erdaogou called "longtan ditch," said after the respect of dragon human, "dragon" word instead of "old" word, became "old tam ditch".

Because the geological history here, there was a severe faulting, formed the thing trend "u-shaped" appeared cliffs, thus here of the thing alignment, and valleys landscape tall and steep cliff wall landscape, everyone see, here with high peak waterfalls nasty, mountain male water show, visible nature how clever offers.

At the end of the old tam ditch, is the famous yuntai mountain waterfalls, it divide achieve 314 meters, the width about 5-7 meters, is the biggest fall in Asia now find the waterfalls, therefore, also called "waterfall", it is day yuntai mountain landscape most. You see, the waterfall, and like at the top where the clouds float, leisurely clouds of batt, voluminous, as lower fly splash jade, throwing up one metre high and splash water mist, put into one regiment in crept waterfall cover fog. It is showed strength, and embodies the soft, feeling letting a person is full of vitality.

我就是一名外导 good morning ladies and gentlemen ,first,i represent driver and china international travel to welcome to beijing。i am your guide ,this is our driver,he has about ten years experience ,so it is very safety 。

If you have any difficulty in the journey or requests, don't hesitate and our master can do our best to help you solve them and we also hope everybody can cooperate with us。

Now we are on the way to the hotel,it will takes about 20 minutes,so we may have a rest。

wish everybody have a happy trip ,thank you!


Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service). He will travel with you throughout the trip in China. This is Mr ____,our driver. His bus number is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know. We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.


上海导游词仅供参考:Welcome visitor you friends Hello everybody , welcome to come to Shanghai , I was in Shanghai travel guide Zhang, very pleased to be able to meet everyone to do all tour guides in the past few days , the meet that fate , first travel agency on behalf of our we extend a warm welcome , thank you for years of support and trust of our agencies , we hope to be able to have fun in the past few days , eat at ease , comfortable stay , leave a good memory ! I then called Zhang, Gong Zhang , because I Zhang, again we are guided , so everyone called me that how it ~ Oh, call me Sally on the line, someone said Zhang , I gladly accepted it , because Zhang cried too grand , and Zhang Yimou is called Zhang guide ! Our master driver surnamed X, I and everyone from all over the world together with the master comes really kind of fate , China is so big, it happens that we get together to such a small compartment to , if our car metaphor these days we mobile home , then our X master is our housekeeper , control of the steering wheel , hand power, our license plate number is our house number, slipped out the door when we must remember their own house number , and after all, our home is on wheels will run , I say again that we remember it : Shanghai XXXX Although I can not recall all the names one by one , but I think in the next X days where I would slowly we understand , we are familiar with , so now we just need to remember I can, you remember my last name anything? Then the car there and my surname , and hands . I'm sorry, I'm talking about the same surname , the surname another name. Well, the joke , and finally give us a few small suggestions , first of all, let us sit in the seat , do not walk around after a good casual avoid excessive speed is dangerous , followed by car is easy to be hungry , then eat leftover under it in a convenient trash bag , thrown off when the front of the trash can or carry down , let the house we want to live in X days , I hope we can maintain a good environment together , the last point is to sit Do not handle the window of a friend or head out of the window Shu , to avoid being scratched another vehicle , then I think away from home , travel is important, but peace is the most important, I think is a safe away from home happy , then I hope that this trip be able to take out everyone happily , safely brought back !


ladies and gantlemen,welcome to China.There are a lot of places of interest,Do you want to go there.Now we will visite BingJing.l think you will play well.Now,let‘t go.



Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name.

we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions.

As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx. let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.




Evening Scenes of Chongqing

The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of Chongqing. At night the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, which form a colorful three-dimensional painting, with waves of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers glistening against the moonlit, star spangled sky.

Sites of the Provisional Capital

Chongqing figured importantly in modem Chinese history. During the War of Resistance against Japan, it was the "provisional capital" of China under the Kuomintang rule from November 1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that period are still there in and around the city. These include the Red Crag Village and 50 Zengjiayan, as well as Chiang Kai-shek's mansion, Guiyuan Garden, Linyuan Garden, and the mansion of C.C. Kong, the embassies of various countries to China, as well as former residences of important politicians, generals and cultural figures.

Martyrs' Mausoleum at Mount Gele

The former headquarters, radio station and prison of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Council (a colossal secret service of the Kuomintang) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District have become the mausoleum for those who died a martyr's death there in China's dark days. In the dying years of World War 11, it was the site of the "Sino0US Institute for Cooperation in Special Technology".

Dazu Grottoes

The Dazu Grottoes in the county of the same name is best known for the stone carvings on the Baodingshan and Beishan mountains, which are fine example of grotto sculpture in the late years of Chinese feudalism. The sculptures, done in fastidious chisel work and gracious imagery, are marked by a new sculptural language that eschews religious taboos and espouses true life.

Yangtze River's Three Gorges

Sailong down the Yangtze from Chongqing to Yichang allows visitors to see the spectacular scenery of the Three Gorges along with its splendid cultural heritage and fabled local folklore. The cruise, which combines sightseeing with scientific, artistic and folklore exploration, is a national-caliber tourist program. The 193-km-long Three Gorges, consisting of the majestic Qutangxia, statuesque Wuxia and ferocious Xilingxia gorges, is one of and ferocious Xilongxia gorges, is one of the world's major canyons. Along the way there are such scenic attractions as the Fengdu Mountain. Baidi city, Shibao village, Zhang Fel's Temple, Qu Yuan's Temple, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Lesser Three Gorges

The Daning River is the largest Yangtze tributary, which rises in the southern side of the Daba Mountain and flows for 250km before emptying itself into the Yangtze at the western entrance to the Wuxia Gorge. The Lesser Three Gorges on the Daning River, a 50km-long affair covering the Longmenxia, Bawuxia and Dicuixia gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is billed as one of China's 40 best scenic resorts thanks to its gorgeous mountains, elegant peaks, turbulent rapids, limpid water, exotic rock imagery and serene scenery.

Diaoyu City, Hechuan

Established in 1242, or the 2nd year of the Chunyou reign of the Southern Song, Diaoyu City covers 2.5 square km up the Diaoyu Mountain on the southern shore of the Jialing River in Hechuan City's Heyang Town. In 1258, the Mongols launched a three-way attack on the Song, and in February the next year Diaoyu City found itself besieged. The Song army mounted a valiant counterattack that last3ed for 36 years, and made world war history by rebuffing a strong enemy with a weak force. This prompted some European historians to laud Diaoyu City as the "Mecca of the East" and "Where God broke his whip". The ruins of the ancient battlefield of Diaoyu City are well kept there.

Jinyun Mountain

Nicknamed "Less Mount Emei", Jinyun Mountain is a national scenic resort 55km from downtown Chongqing.

Furong Cave, Wulung

The Furong (Hibiscus) Cave is located by the Furong River in Wulung County. The main part of the cave is 2,700 metres in length and 3.7 square metres in area. The Splendid Cave is the most impressive. Housed in it are nearly 30 varieties of stalactites chiseled into every manner of exotic imagery by the cunning labor of nature. Major attractions are Gold Throne Hall, Leifeng Pagoda and Sky-reaching Jade Pillar.


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