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挥着翅膀的女孩英文翻唱 挥着翅膀的女孩英文版叫什么名

容祖儿的《挥着翅膀的女孩》是翻唱冯曦妤的《proud of you》吗?


挥着翅膀的女孩英文翻唱 挥着翅膀的女孩英文版叫什么名挥着翅膀的女孩英文翻唱 挥着翅膀的女孩英文版叫什么名


挥着翅膀的女孩 有粤语版,


应该是 PROUF OF YOU翻唱 挥着翅膀的女孩



用的是proud of you 伴奏.!


容祖儿《挥着翅膀的女孩》原唱的英文歌名叫《proud of you》


中文名称:proud of you

所属专辑:A Little Love



填 词:Anders Lee

谱 曲:陈光荣

编 曲:陈光荣


proud of you 为你骄傲

Love in your eyes 你眼中的爱

Sitting silent by my side 就是静静地坐在我身边

Going on holding hands 一直牵着手

Walking through the nights 走过夜晚

Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高高举起让我摸到天

Teaching me to love with heart 教我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心门

I can fly 我能飞翔……

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己珍贵的

Till the end of the time 直到生命的后一刻

Believe me I can fly 相信我,我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能够飞而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己珍贵的

The heen in the sky 空中的天堂

Stars in the sky 空中的星星

Wishing once upon a time 很久以前的愿望

Give me love make me ile 给我爱让我微笑

Till the end of life 直到生命的后一刻

Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高高地举起让我触摸着天

Teaching me to love with heart 教我如何用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心扉

I can fly 我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己珍贵的

Till the end of the time 直到后一刻

Believe me I can fly 相信我吧,我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能翱翔于空中而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己珍贵的

The heen in the sky 空中的天堂

Can't you believe that you light up my way 难道你不相信你照亮了我的道路

No matter how that ease my path 不论前路有多昏暗

I'll never lose my faith 我决不会放弃我的信念

See me fly 看我飞翔

I'm proud to fly up high 我骄傲的高高地向上飞

Show you the best of mine 将我的展示给你看

Till the end of the time 直到后一刻

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞

I'm singing in the sky 我在空中歌唱

Show you the best of mine 将的我展示给你

The heen in the sky 空中的天堂

Nothing can stop me 没有什么能阻挡我

Spread my wings so wide 大大的张开我的翅膀

容祖儿的广东版 "我的骄傲" 及国语版 "挥动翅膀的女孩"都是翻唱Fiona Fung 的"Proud Of You" 。

Fiona Fung 也唱过赤沙印记《四叶草II》的主题曲,也是很好听的。

Fiona Fung 也是人,中文名叫冯翠桦,

Proud Of You歌词

Love in your eyes

Sitting silent by my side

Going on Holding hand

Walking through the nights

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Stars in the sky

Wishing once upon a time

Give me love Make me ile

Till the end of life

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Can't you believe that you light up my way

No matter how that ease my path

I'll never lose my faith

See me fly

I'm proud to fly up high

Show you the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm singing in the sky

Show you the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Nothing can stop me

Spread my wings so wide

proud of you m2m



分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐



《Proud Of You》

Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱

Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边

Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手

Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜

Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天

Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉

I can fly 我会飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部

The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky

Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰

Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样

Give me love Make me ile 让我欢笑 给予我爱

Till the end of life 直到生命消逝


Can’t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路

No matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松

I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念

See me fly 来看着我飞翔

I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪

Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱

Show you the best of mine 献给你我的美

The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky

Nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我

Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide


Proud Of You

歌名:Proud Of You

主唱:Fiona Fung

专辑:TV Magic

Love in your eyes

Sitting silent by my side

Going on Holding hand

Walking through the nights

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Stars in the sky

Wishing once upon a time

Give me love Make me ile

Till the end of life

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Can't you believe that you light up my way

No matter how that ease my path

I'll never lose my faith

See me fly

I'm proud to fly up high

Show you the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm singing in the sky

Show you the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Nothing can stop me

Spread my wings so wide


冯翠桦(英文名:Fiona Fung)(现已改艺名冯曦妤)是一名歌手,以歌声清脆而。她凭一曲英文歌《proud of you》而被人认识,该曲更被日本歌手藤田惠美翻唱过,也是容祖儿主唱的《我的骄傲》及《挥着翅膀的女孩》的原曲。另一首较知名是《shining friends》,曾被歌唱组合2r及cookies翻唱,也是无线电视电视剧《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》主题曲。其续集《赤沙印记@四叶草.2》的主题曲《find your love》亦是由她主唱。



她并无独自出过唱片,只有《proud of you》及《shining friends》收录在出的杂锦碟《tv magic》里面,另一首由她作词及主唱的英文作品《forever friends》则收录于精选专辑《true colors》。


Proud Of You






Love in your eyes


Sitting silent by my side


Going on Holding hand


Walking through the nights


Hold me up Hold me tight

抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky


Teaching me to love with heart


Helping me open my mind


I can fly


I’m proud that I can fly


To give the best of mine


Till the end of the time


Believe me I can fly


I’m proud that I can fly


To give the best of mine


The heen in the sky


Stars in the sky


Wishing once upon a time


Give me love Make me ile


Till the end of life


Hold me up Hold me tight


Lift me up to touch the sky


Teaching me to love with heart


Helping me open my mind


I can fly


I’m proud that I can fly


To give the best of mine


Till the end of the time


Believe me I can fly


I’m singing in the sky


Show you the best of mine


The heen in the sky


Can’t you believe that you light up my way


No matter how that ease my path


I’ll never lose my faith


See me fly


I’m proud to fly up high


Show you the best of mine


Till the end of the time


Believe me I can fly


I’m singing in the sky


Show you the best of mine


The heen in the sky


Nothing can stop me


Spread my wings so wide


扩展资料:《挥着翅膀的女孩》是流行音乐女歌手容祖儿演唱的一首歌曲,该曲英文版是冯曦妤演唱《Proud of You》,由许常德重新填词,收录于容祖儿2003年发行的专辑《独照》中。





《Proud Of You》

Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱

Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边

Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手

Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜

Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天

Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉

I can fly 我会飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部

The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky

Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰

Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样

Give me love Make me ile 让我欢笑 给予我爱

Till the end of life 直到生命消逝


Can’t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路

No matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松

I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念

See me fly 来看着我飞翔

I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪

Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱

Show you the best of mine 献给你我的美

The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky

Nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我

Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide

love in your eyes

sitting silent by my side

going on holding hand

walking through the nights

hold me up hold me tight

lift me up to touch the sky

teaching me to love with heart

helping me open my mind

i can fly

i'm proud that i can fly

to give the best of mine

till the end of the time

believe me i can fly

i'm proud that i can fly

to give the best of mine

the heen in the sky

stars in the sky

wishing once upon a time

give me love make me ile

till the end of life

hold me up hold me tight

lift me up to touch the sky

teaching me to love with heart

helping me open my mind

i can fly

i'm proud that i can fly

to give the best of mine

till the end of the time

believe me i can fly

i'm proud that i can fly

to give the best of mine

the heen in the sky

can't you believe that you light up my way

no matter how that ease my path

i'll never lose my faith

see me fly

i'm proud to fly up high

show you the best of mine

till the end of the time

believe me i can fly

i'm singing in the sky

show you the best of mine

the heen in the sky

nothing can stop me

spread my wings so wide


See me fly I'm proud to fly up high

不能一直依赖 别人给我拥戴

Believe me I can fly

I'm singing in the sky

就算风雨覆盖 我也不怕重来


挥着翅膀的女孩英文版 《Proud Of You》 Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱 Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边 Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手 Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜 Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我 Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天 Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱 Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉 I can fly 我会飞翔 I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 我要展现我的美 Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头 Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔 I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部 The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰 Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样 Give me love Make me ile 让我欢笑 给予我爱 Till the end of life 直到生命消逝 Repeat Can’t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路 No matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松 I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念 See me fly 来看着我飞翔 I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪 Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的美 Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头 Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔 I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱 Show you the best of mine 献给你我的美 The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky Nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我 Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide 歌

Proud Of You


Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱

Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边

Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手

Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜

Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天

Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉

I can fly 我会飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部

The heen in the sky 那是天堂

Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰

Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样

Give me love Make me ile 让我欢笑 给予我爱

Till the end of life 直到生命消逝

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Can't you believe that you light up my way

No matter how that ease my path

I'll never lose my faith

See me fly

I'm proud to fly up high

Show you the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm singing in the sky

Show you the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Nothing can stop me

Spread my wings so wide

Proud Of You

Love in your eyes 你眼中充满爱意

Sitting silent by my side 静静的座於我身旁

Going on Holding hand 沿途挽著你的手

Walking through the nights 慢步整个晚上

Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky 让我能摸倒天空

Teaching me to love with heart 懂得了用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 助我把心窗打开

I can fly 我会飞了

I''''''''''''''''m proud that I can fly 飞让我骄傲

To give the best of mine 给我佳的思考

Till the end of the time 直至时光停顿

Believe me I can fly 我真的会飞

I''''''''''''''''m proud that I can fly 飞令我骄傲

To give the best of mine 给我佳的思考

The heen in the sky 天上的天国

Stars in the sky 天上繁星

Wishing once upon a time 希望有一天

Give me love Make me ile 爱的降临让我欢笑

Till the end of life直至我的一生

Hold me up Hold me tight抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky让我能摸倒天空

Teaching me to love with heart懂得了用心去爱

Helping me open my mind助我把心窗打开

I can fly我会飞了

I''''''''''''''''m proud that I can fly飞让我骄傲

To give the best of mine给我佳的思考

Till the end of the time直至时光停顿

Believe me I can fly我真的会飞

I''''''''''''''''m proud that I can fly飞令我骄傲

To give the best of mine给我佳的思考

The heen in the sky天上的天国

Can''''''''''''''''t you believe that you light up my way你可相信、你已照亮了我的前路

No matter how that ease my path我的路途如何巳不重要

I''''''''''''''''ll never lose my faith我决不失去信心

See me fly看我飞

I''''''''''''''''m proud to fly up high高飞让我骄傲

Show you the best of mine 给你看佳的思考

Till the end of the time直至时光停顿

Believe me I can fly我真的会飞

I''''''''''''''''m singing in the sky在天上高歌

Show you the best of mine给你看佳的思考

The heen in the sky天上的天国

Nothing can stop me没怎麼能停止我

Spread my wings so wide展翅高飞

Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱 Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边 Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手 Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜 Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我 Lift me up to touch the sky高举我去触碰蓝天 Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱 Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉 I can fly 我会飞翔 I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 我要展现我的美 Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头 Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔 I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部 The heen in the sky 那是天堂in the sky Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰 Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样 Give me love Make me ile 让我欢笑 给予我爱 Till the end of life 直到生命消逝

Proud Of You


Love in your eyes

Sitting silent by my side

Going on Holding hand

Walking through the nights

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Stars in the sky

Wishing once upon a time

Give me love Make me ile

Till the end of life

Hold me up Hold me tight

Lift me up to touch the sky

Teaching me to love with heart

Helping me open my mind

I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm proud that I can fly

To give the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Can't you believe that you light up my way

No matter how that ease my path

I'll never lose my faith

See me fly

I'm proud to fly up high

Show you the best of mine

Till the end of the time

Believe me I can fly

I'm singing in the sky

Show you the best of mine

The heen in the sky

Nothing can stop me

Spread my wings so wide

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