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太棒了 用英文怎么说,常听见电影里会说"broble?貌似是这么读的,




It is neat!太酷了!

That’s great

It is righteous!酷毙了!

That's awesome


Great,棒极了,Has many meanings. The first meaning is an intense or extreme amount, one which is much above normal.,这个词有很多含义。第一层意思是指强烈的或极端的量,另一个是指远远高于正常值。,There is a great amount of work that needs to be done.,还有大量的工作需要完成。,Will it take a great amount of work?,这有很大的工作量吗?,This definition of great has many synonyms, here are some of the most monly used ones.,great的这层含义有许多同义词,这里有一些常用的同义词。,1. Considerable,1.相当大的,Means large in size or amount. Something that is considerable is big.,指尺寸或数量大。相当大的东西是很大的。,I he considerably more work to do now, than I did in the past.,我现在要做的工作比过去多得多。,The family has a considerable amount of money.,这个家庭经济富足。,2. Substantial,2.大量的,Means that something has of a lot of importance, size, or worth.,意味着某个东西很重要、无论是大小或价值。,This is a substantial problem, and we need to fix it right away.,这是一个严重的问题,我们需要马上解决它。,That was a substantial amount of food.,那有相当多的食物。,3. Significant,3.重要的,有意义的,Means that something is very important or worthy of attention.,意味着某件事非常重要或值得关注。,This is a significant moment in our nation’s history.,这是我们历史上的一个重要时刻。,I think the amount of work that needs to be done is significant.,我认为需要做的工作量很大。,4. Appreciable,4.可察觉的,Refers to something being important enough or large enough to be noticed. This word is almost always used to represent something in a positive way. Even if someone says that something is not appreciable, it means that something is not positive.,这个词指的是足够重要或足够大以至于引起注意的事物。这个词几乎总是用积极的意味表示某事。即使有人说某件事不可感知,也意味着某件事不积极。,There is an appreciable amount of caring in the school.,在学校能感到很多的关怀。,I am appreciable of everything that you he done for me.,我清楚地了解对你为我所做的一切。,5. Special,5.特别的,Refers to something that is great, better or different than other things. This is a word that is almost always used in a positive way.,这个词指的是比其他事物更大、更好或不同的事物。这是一个几乎总是含积极意义的词。,Mothers he a very special bond with their children.,母亲与子女有着非常独特的联系。,We will he a special ceremony next week.,下周我们将专门举行一个特别的仪式。,6. Serious,Refers to something that needs important attention or needs to be considered carefully.,指需要特别注意或需要仔细考虑的事情。,This is a situation of serious importance.,这是一个非常重要的情况。,We take all of this very seriously.,我们非常认真地对待这一切。,7. Exceptional,7.例外的,Refers to something that is unusual or not typical. This is usually used in a positive way. If it is not used in a positive way, then it is used to mean that something is large or of large importance.,指不寻常或不典型的事物。这通常使用褒义含义。如果它没有使用褒义含义,那么它就意味着某个事物是巨大的或是重要的。,Your work is exceptional.,你的工作很出色。,This building is an exceptional milestone for our city.,这座建筑是我们城市的一个特殊里程碑。,8. Extraordinary,8.杰出的,Means that something is unusual or remarkable or incredible. This is a word that is usually used in a positive way, but it can also be used to say that something was shockingly bad.,意味着某件事是不寻常的、非凡的或难以置信的。这是一个通常使用褒义含义的词,但也可以用来表示有些事情非常糟糕。,The artist’s work is extraordinary.,这位艺术家的作品超凡脱俗。,The party was an extraordinary disaster.,这次聚会非同寻常的糟糕。,Great,棒极了,Can also mean that the quality of something is better than normal. This usage of the word great is always positive.,也可能意味着某些东西的品质比正常的要好。“great”这个词的用法总是褒义含义。,You did a great job on your presentation.,你的演讲做得很棒。,It feels great to be home again.,回到家感觉真好。,This definition of great also has many synonyms.,伟大的定义也有许多同义词。,9. Prominent,9.的,Refers to something being important or famous.,指一些重要或的事物。,He holds a prominent position in the munity.,他在社区内占有重要地位。,This is a prominent restaurant.,这是一家有名的餐馆。,10. Eminent,10.声名显赫的,Means that someone is important, famous, and respected in their profession (job).,意味着某人在他们的职业(工作)中是重要的、的和受人尊敬的。,She is an eminent professor in science.,她是一位杰出的科学教授。,This is one of the eminent panies in technology.,这是一家知名的科技公司。,11. Important,11.重要的,Refers to something that has significant value or can be very helpful for success.,指有重大价值或对成功有很大帮助的事物。,Today, I am taking a very important exam.,今天,我要参加一个非常重要的考试。,This is one of the most important moments of my life.,这是我生命中重要的时刻之一。,12. Distinguished,12.杰出的,卓越的,Refers to something being different. As a synonym for great, it would be different because it’s better.,指的是与众不同的事物。作为great的同义词,它会有所不同,因为它更好。,He is a distinguished professor.,他是一名杰出的教授。,The clothing line is distinguished and has won many awards.,这条服装生产线很有名,并赢得了许多奖项。,13. Illustrious,13.辉煌的,Refers to someone who is respected and admired because of past acplishments. This is usually used to describe a long and successful career.,指因过去的成就而受到尊敬和钦佩的人。这通常用来描述一个漫长而成功的职业生涯。,It will be hard to follow such an illustrious predecessor.,很难追随这样一位杰出的前辈。,One day I hope to he an illustrious career.,有一天,我希望有一个辉煌的事业。,14. Celebrated,14.脱颖而出,Refers to acknowledging a moment or event as successful or important. It can be an event to celebrate something or it can be an acknowledgement that something or someone is one of the best at something.,指承认某一时刻或事件成功或重要。它可以是庆祝某件事的活动,也可以是承认某件事或某个人是某件事中棒的人。,She is a celebrated author.,她是一位的作家。,I don’t like all the attention, but it was nice to be celebrated by my peers.,我不喜欢成为别人注意的焦点,但能在同龄人中脱颖而出真是太好了。,15. Acclaim,15.称赞,Means that something or someone is publically praised as being successful or better than erage.,意思是某物或某个人被公众称赞成功或比一般人好。,The invention received worldwide acclaim.,这项发明得到了全世界的赞誉。,No one expected the book to receive such acclaim.,没人料到这本书会受到如此好评。,Great,棒极了,Can also refer to something that is the most important.,也可以指重要的东西。,This is of great concern.,这是非常令人关切的。,Let’s deal with the greatest problem first.,我们先解决的问题。,Here are some synonyms for this definition of great.,以下是great这个含义的同义词。,16. Powerful,16.有影响力的,Means that something or someone has great strength or influence.,意思是某物或某人有很大的力量或影响力。,If we are going to get people to change, we will he to convince the most powerful people first.,如果我们要让人们改变,我们必须首先说服有权势的人。,This is the most powerful kind of rope.,这是结实的绳子。,17. Dominant,17.占据主导地位的,Refers to something that is the most important, powerful or influential.,指重要、强大或有影响力的事物。,They are by far the most dominant pany in the market.,他们是目前市场上占主导地位的公司。,Everyone should get a chance to talk. I don’t want one person to dominate the conversation.,每个人都应该有机会交谈。我不想让一个人主导谈话。,18. Influential,18.有影响力的,Means that someone or something has a large affect on others.,意味着某人或某物对他人有很大影响。,She was a very influential person.,她是个很有影响力的人。,I hope that one day I can be that influential.,我希望有一天我能有这样的影响力。




He's somebody. 他真了不起。

You're my boy. 你太棒了。(用于关系亲密的朋友之间)

Well done, XXX. 干得漂亮,某某某。

Tom and Jerry, they're just superb.



you are very good



女人说太棒了,那是在肯定了。想想每天都能听到她说 太棒了 那感觉多棒。


问题一:英语“太棒了”怎么说? 1. That's cool!

很好, 很棒!

Cool 这个字在英文里的意思就是「很好, 很棒」的意思. 不管在任何时候我们要对其它人表现赞同时我们都可以说 That's cool! 或是单说, Cool! 例如别人说, I'm going to graduate this year. (我今年要毕业了.) 这时你就可以赶紧接一句, That's cool! 又或是别人说, We're going to win the championship this year. (我们今年要拿冠军了.) 你还是可以说, That's cool! 总之我们可以用 That's cool. 或是 Cool. 这句话来表示出对别人的认同. 不过要注意一点, cool 在美语里跟中文里形容一个人很酷的那个酷是不一样的 (虽然它们的发音正好一样). 所以当你说, He is a cool guy. 时, 说的其实不是这个人很「酷」, 而是说这个人「很好、很棒」.

另外老美也常常会问我, Are you cool with that? 意思就是, 「你觉得这样子作好不好?」例如今天我朋友跟我约好一个时间, 但他临时有事, 必须晚到一个小时, 这时候他就可以问我, Are you cool with that? (你觉得这样好吗?) 来征求我的认同.

2. Neat!


Neat 这个字不论在用法上和程度上和 cool 这个字可以说是不多的, 同样都是表现出对别人的一种肯定和认同. 例如今天我说 I've taken piano lessens for ten years. (我已经学了十年的钢琴.) 这时候你就可以接, Neat! 或 Cool! (真是不简单!) 来表示你的敬佩之意.

另外, neat 和 cool 也有「新奇」的意思. 当「新奇」解时这两个字常和 stuff 这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物. 例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, Check out those neat stuff! (看看这些很棒的东西.) 这里用 neat 来形容这件东西 (stuff) 不但很新奇而且值得一看. 同样的你也可以说, cool stuff, 例如, I've just bought some cool stuff. (我刚买了一些很棒的东西.)

3. That's great!


Great 在口语之中通常不作它原来的意思「伟大」解. 平常老美用到 great 这个字时, 其实指的就是「很好、很棒」. 但 great在程度上比 good 还高一级. 所以善用 good 和 great 的区别就可以表现出你的认同对方的程度. 比方说吧, 如果今天是个普通的好友拿了一个 A, 你可以说, That's good. 就不多了, 但如果是自己很要好的朋友拿了一个 A, 那就不妨说声, That'......>>

问题二:英文里“太棒了”怎么说 Great.

Very good.







问题三:这简直太棒了(这句话用英语怎么说) 下面大家答的都不错,我汇总并补充如下:

It's magnificent. Absolutely magnificent.


What a delight. Fantastic! Fantastic!


That's cool I know, that's really cool


Cool! /Fantastic! /Hooray! /Hurrah! /Smashing! /Super!


I'm back. It's good, it's good.


dude,that was really,really good.


Good! Good! Becky's ing!


It's awesome. 这太棒了

It was awesome. It was awesome to witness.


It's Brigadoon. It's bloody Brigadoon!


It's magnificent. Absolutely magnificent.


love it.it was great. amazing.


How about terrific, terrific, terrific?


terrific 口语也有“太棒了”的意思。

Columbia's a terrific school.


Grandpa, you are a terrific guy!


问题四:太棒了英语怎么说 Bro! Excellent! Fantastic ! Brilliant ! Awesome! Terrific! Cool! Amazing! Gorgeous !wonderful! Great! Well done! Good job! Damn good! Fucking great! I incredible ! Unbelievable!oh shit! That's enough. Do you still want more?well, well. See you next time.

问题五:你太棒了用英语怎么说 You are awesome/great.

问题六:那听起来真是太棒了用英语怎么说我 It sounds great!

问题七:英文『太棒了』怎么说 太棒了

[词典] fantastic; terrific; amazing;


I thought she was fantastic.

问题八:英文太棒了怎么说? ro! Excellent! Fantastic ! Brilliant ! Awesome! Terrific! Cool! Amazing! Gorgeous !wonderful! Great! Well done! Good job! Damn good!

问题九:英语“太棒了”怎么说? G 开头的 急急急急!!!! great 太棒了 ,太好了 或good



good job.

well done.

very good.


good great awesome fabulous amazing magnificent bro wonderful



1.you are so cool!你真棒,你真酷!

2.you are so good

3.you did a great job 你做的太棒啦

4.you are fantastic



这是当下非常流行的形容词开始—incredible。Incredible有着三个主要含义。其一通常用来形容某物特别好或非常棒,尤其是在尺寸和范围大小上,例如:‘the party was incredibly good fun’;‘that’s incredible news!’。


Wonderful与incredible词义近似,其字面意思就是‘full of wonder / 充满了惊奇’,用来描述某物激发了我们兴奋或惊讶的感觉,或是我们自身感觉到这些感受已经进入一种奇妙的状态。《牛津英语辞典》(Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)中也做有标注,说到这个词汇的平常用法表明某物“惊人的大、好、精”。








Fantastic一词让我们直接想到了fabulous。,fabulous在其词义弱化的状态下,通常是terrific或marvellous的同义词—尤其是在简写为fab的时候。其实,它可以被看作是‘fable-ous’,指任何与寓言(fable)或故事相关的事物,那就可以是a ‘fabulous’ author(指寓言作者)或阅读这些作品的读者;或是某个寓言中的事件或人物;亦或像是从中直接走出来的人物或反映的事件。因此,判断某事fabulous并不一定意味着这是好的事。



You are wonderful!

除此之外还可以将wonderful换成 excellent、Perfect等

视情况而定,可以说you are very good,也可以说you are so brilliant,well done,do a good job

you are good,或yuo are vear


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