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stay的发音音标 stays音标


stay的发音音标 stays音标stay的发音音标 stays音标

1、stay既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道stay做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来stay的英语意思解释和相关例句,欢迎大家参考学习!stay作名词的意思:逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐stay作动词的意思:停留;停止;坚持;抑制stay的英语音标:英 [stei] 美 [ste]stay的时态:现在分词: staying 过去式: stayed 过去分词: stayedstay的英语例句:1. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you staypositive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。


3、2. I had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home.我不得不暂缓就业打算,呆在家里。

4、3. Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk.妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着.4. Giovanni plied him with questions with the intention of prolonging his stay.乔瓦尼一个劲儿地问他问题,想要拖住他。

5、5. Stay in bed extra late or get up specially early.起床过晚或过早。

6、6. You stay here, you die. No two ways about it.你若留在这里,必死无疑。

7、7. Company officials say striking union members should stay home today.公司管理人员说参加罢工的工会会员今天应该呆在家里。

8、8. The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs.大型工厂正试图通过削减成本以维持生存。

9、9. To stay fit off season, I play tennis or football.为了在休赛期间保持状态,我常打 网球 或踢 足球 。

10、10. They had invited me to come to supper and stay the night.他们邀请我去吃晚饭并住上一晚。

11、11. An overnight stay at a friend's house disorients me.在朋友家过夜让我觉得晕晕乎乎的。

12、12. Why don't you stay here and keep Emma company?你为什么不呆在这儿,陪陪埃玛?13. He tried to stay a few months every year in Scotland.他每年都会争取在苏格兰住几个月。

13、14. Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her.伊丽莎白受到邀请,可以随时去她家住。

14、15. I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinfolk.我把另一个儿子送到乡下和亲戚住在一起。


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