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advise后面加什么形式 advisable后面句子时态



advise后面加什么形式 advisable后面句子时态advise后面加什么形式 advisable后面句子时态







关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性...例如:advise .to do sth.

advise 几种常见用法归纳如下.

1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如:

Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳.

She will advise you about the right thing to do. 她会帮你出主意该怎么办.

What would you advise ? 你有什么建议?

2. advise + . + 不定式短语

在这个句式中,不定式短语作 advise 的宾语补足语.例如:

He often advised people to use their brains . 他常常劝人多用脑子.

His wife advised him to give up oking , but he wouldn't. 他妻子劝他把烟戒了,但他不肯.

We strongly advised him not to do such a thing . 我们竭力劝他不要这样做.

3. advise + . + 特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语

在这个句式中,“特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语”作 advise 的宾语补足语.例如:

She advised them how to solve the problem . 她给他们出主意怎样解决这个问题.

He advised her what to do with family problems. 他建议她该怎样处理家庭.

Will you advise me which one to buy ? 请你能否告诉我该买哪一个?

4. advise + 动名词 例如:

I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter. 我建议开一个会来讨论这件事情.

He advised her paying attention to her pronunciation. 他建议她注意发音.

We advised them starting out at once. 我们建议他们立即启程.

5. advise on sth. 或 advise . on sth. 例如:

He often advises on this project. 他经常就此项工程提出建议.

Will you advise on the plan ? 关于这项,请你提提意见好吗?

They often advise us on our work . ( =They often give us some advice on our work. )他们经常就我们的工作给我们提建议.

6. advise + . +against + doing sth. 例如:

The lawyers he advised us against signing the contract. ( =The lawyers he advised us not to sign the contract. )律师建议我们不要签订这个合同.

The teacher advised the student against dropping out of school . ( =The teacher advised the student not to drop out of school. )老师劝那个学生不要退学.

7. advise + 宾语从句

advise 后面接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应为虚拟语气,即用“ should + 动词原形”, should 可以省略.例如:

I advise that you (should) do it right away . 我建议你马上就做这件事情.

Please advise me whether I (should) accept the suggestion . 请你告诉我是否应该接受这项建议.

advise 后面到底加to do 还是doing?网上说都可以。可是这道题怎么这么说不可以?

当advise后有时,其后用to do;当其后没有.而是直接连接动词时,就要用-ing。


advise doing

advise . to do

这题可能出错了 A B都是可以的

advise to do 还是advise doing?




advise sth.或doing sth.。

advise . (not) to do sth.。

advise . against sth.或doing sth.。

advise(.) that .(should) do sth.。

She advised prudence.


He advised waiting till the proper time.


I advised him (not) to do it now.


I advised him against doing it now.


I advised (him) that he (should) do it now.


都不对。advise是动词后面不能再跟to do 或者doing这样的动词了,应该是 advise+object 比如 adivse (you)to do something.或者 she advises (secrecy). 都是Object

advise to do sth或者 advise doing ath,看advise后面有没有接人

advise后面一般不直接带to 而是advise . to do sth. 不能接doing

Advise . to do. advise doing


advise doing sth

advise to do sth


advise to 劝

advise sink 通知接收 ; 告诉接受 ; 表示已连接的通知接收

judicial advise 司法建议书 ; 司法倡议书

please advise 请指示 ; 请指导 ; 请回复 ; 请告知

urgently advise 紧急告知速电告 ; 速电告 ; 紧急告知 advise against 告诫 ; 强烈反对 ; 劝告不要

kindly advise 请告知 ; 好心提醒 ; 谨提醒


advise to do sth


后面加to do sth.提议某人做某事。

例:She advised us to organize a group meeting.她提议我们组织一个团体会议。

The dentist advised me to brush my teeth twice every day.牙医提议我每日刷两次牙。

advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式。

advise是doing。一般来说是advise doing,但存在advise to do sth。advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式。

advise,后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词doing;但若其后接的动词前已经有宾语,动词用作宾语补足语时,则要用不定式to do。

advise doing中间不能有宾语,advise . doing sth.这种表达方式是错误的。

例:He advised going to play basketball today.他建议今天去打篮球。

I advise waiting them to go hiking together.我建议等他们一起去远足。

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