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刘易斯 汉密尔顿有没有什么名言/?



“刘易斯 汉密尔顿有没有什么名言/?”

刘易斯 汉密尔顿——他的名言:








当地时间12月15日,一场备受瞩目的授勋仪式在温莎城堡内举行,现年36岁的F1车手刘易斯·汉密尔顿半跪在矮脚凳上,接受了查尔斯王储的册封,正式成为了“爵士”,从此以后英国报纸在刊登他的名字的时候会写为“Sir Lewis Hamilton”。据悉汉密尔顿是第四位被册封为爵士的F1车手,在他之前还有杰基·斯图尔特、斯特林·莫斯和杰克·布拉汉姆。







汉密尔顿一直目标明确,并且很有决心(惠特马什 评) ,人们低估了他所能达到的高度,他对于如此年轻的年龄来说,已经是足够好了(希尔 评),他有很棒的和出色的车队,他是一个很好的车手,很尊重这位年轻车手(米卡·哈基宁评),他有技术、有天赋(让托德评),他在赛道上完全是自己成为一个阵营,速度一直非常快,其他车手与他相距甚远(多蒙尼卡利 评),赛季表现相当出色(丹尼斯 、诺伯特豪格 评)他正在F1比赛,并不断赢得冠军,并且他已显示了很强的对压力的控能力(希尔 评),非常成功(让托德评)。

刘易斯 汉密尔顿有没有什么名言/?



Lewis Hamilton Quotes, Famous Lewis Hamilton Quotes Quotations SayingsIt's pretty much impossible to put into words, I am still speechless.

Lewis Hamilton

On becoming youngest ever F1 world champion at 23, when he clinched fifth place in Brazilian Grand Prix win on November 2, 2008.It was one of the toughest races of my life - if not the toughest.

Lewis Hamilton

On 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix, where he finished fifth, making him the F1 world champion.I can't go to the cinema. I go to the bathroom in a petrol station and people come in there for autographs.

Lewis Hamilton

His reasons for quitting the UK to move to Switzerland, October 2007.It's been a crazy year and I honestly can't say I'm really gutted. I finished second in the world championship. I beat my team-mate under extremely difficult circumstances. I beat the two-time world champion. That was the goal.

Lewis Hamilton

On beating team-mate Fernando Alonso and coming second in world championship 2007.Bits started falling off the tyre and it blew. I was lucky not to go into the grel.

Lewis Hamilton

On his blow-out at the Istambul Grand Prix in Istanbul, where he still managed to finish fifth, August 2007.I don't remember Mansell's incident - I was only one!

Lewis Hamilton

After journalists likened his Istanbul blow-out at the Turkish Grand Prix to the former world champion's similar moment in 1986, the incident cost him the world title in 2007.We're extremely competitive - we can't be best friends. I apologised, he apologised and we said "let's just get it over with and get on with the rest of the year".

Lewis Hamilton

Hamilton and team-mate Fernando Alonso call a truce in the rivalry which threatened to detail McLaren's successful season, August 2007.I've never known anyone as competitive as me and I think Alonso is very close.

Lewis Hamilton

On his rivalry with his McLaren team-mate Fernando Alonso.

The year I get here he bales out - I don't know if I had something to do with that.

Lewis Hamilton

On Michael Schumacher retiring before he started racing, when asked if he thought he would he beaten the seven-time world champion, July 2007.This is the best feeling I've ever had. You cannot compare it to sex. But you know? I would say it is better than sex. It is!

Lewis Hamilton

On securing his first Formula 1 pole position at the Canadian Grand Prix, June 2007.I was born to race and to win.

Lewis Hamilton

After sweeping to the first pole position of his career at the Canadian Grand Prix, June 2007.This is a fantastic day for me. I was over the moon to get pole but this is definitely on a different planet for me.

Lewis Hamilton

After going on to win the Canadian Grand Prix from pole - his first grand prix victory, 2007.Simple things like going out for dinner, to the cinema or driving to the petrol station are not the same anymore. It is crazy but I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.

Lewis Hamilton

The 22-year-old after two straight Grand Prix wins in Montreal and Indianapolis, on how Formula One racing has changed his personal life, June 2007.The fame side is not something I particularly enjoy but it was cool to meet Sir Jackie Stewart and it was wicked to meet Beyonce.

Lewis Hamilton

Fame can be a rough ride, but it has its compensations for the 22-year-old who reveals he is a big fan of Beyonce, June 2007.I'm blinged out. I got bling on my helmet, how cool is that.

Lewis Hamilton

Talking about the diamond-studded helmet he wore for the Monaco Grand Prix, May 2007.Everyone makes mistakes and I'm only human - these all things happen.

Lewis Hamilton

After crashing on a practice run for Monaco Grand Prix, May 2007.To be racing in Formula One with Mclaren has been the ultimate goal for me. It's a dream come true.

Lewis Hamilton

After it was confirmed the 21-year-old would drive for the McLaren-Mercedes t eam in 2007 Formula One world championship, alongside the title holder Fernando Alonso.Being the first black man doesn't matter much to me personally, but for the sport itself it probably means quite a lot.

Lewis Hamilton

On prospect of making debut in Formula One racing after being crowned champion of the sport's feeder series, September 2006.








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