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send 过去分词 小学生必背英语过去式

小柳今天给分享send 过去分词的知识,其中也会对小学生必背英语过去式进行解释,希望能解决你的问题,请看下面的文章阅读吧!

1、sent都是sentsendsent send.ing,sendsv.tr.(及物动词)To cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination:送:用工具使…被运送到目的地:send goods by plane.用飞机运送货物To dispatch, as by a communications medium:发送:利用通讯媒介发送:send a message by radio.通过无线电发送消息To direct to go on a mission:派遣:命令…执行任务:sent troops into the Middle East.派遣部队去中东To require or enable to go:派:需要或有能力去:sent her children to college.送她的孩子们上大学To direct (a person) to a source of information; refer:建议,介绍:指引(某人)消息的出处;指点:sent the student to the reference section of the library.建议学生去图书馆的参考室To give off (heat, for example); emit or issue:放出:放出(例如热);散发或放出:a stove that sends forth great warmth.释放出巨大热能的炉子To utter or otherwise emit (sound):发出声音:发出声音或散发(声音):sent forth a cry of pain.发出痛苦的叫声To hit so as to direct or propel with force; drive:推送,驱使:用打导向或用力推动:The batter sent the ball to left field. The slap on my back sent me staggering.击球手把球打到左边场地。

2、拍在我背上的一掌使我摇晃晃To cause to take place or occur:使发生:We will meet whatever vicissitudes fate may send.不管发生什么样的命运变迁,我们都会迎接挑战的To put or drive into a given state or condition:使处于给定状态:置于或迫使处于给定的状态或状况:horrifying news that sent them into a panic.使人恐怖的消息使他陷入惊慌过去式和过去分词都是sentsend-sent-sent。


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